Monday, November 28, 2005

imbibed iconoclasm

It's a long weekend and it's supposed to be a good one. You get to do lots of important stuff like catching up with the times, the books you've been wanting to read, readings to get and done with, org stuff, etc.

But I didn't get to do all those stuff. I devolved again to my indolent self. I was the perfect embodiment of a sloth! I didn't go to the org bazaar, didn't attend my afternoon tutoring session. It was my plan to stay focused this last sem, and I'm totally disgusted with how I spent the weekend. I'm not expecting the best grades. I just want to really get the most out of my courses this last sem. Thank God tomorrow's a holiday, I can certainly catch up.

There's nothing earth-shaking to inspire me writing lately. I think I'm too comfortable with how things are. Not that I don't have issues, but I already have notions on how to deal with them. This illusion of foresight gives me a sense of comfort. I don't know whether to be thankful or to be agitated because all of these only happen in only my head.

Thankfully enough, classes I've had offer radical stuff, most of them anyway. In a way, I can preoccupy myself with things directed outward. Unfortunately, however, I didn't really learn new things. I can definitely be well-versed in those questions I've had since childhood, but ask me new issues and I promise I'd look like an idiot.


We had our grad pic taken last Friday. I was desperately in need of company then. It's weird that I didn't feel weirded out at all by all those people- and, I barely knew anyone. And, I didn't feel isolated. I spotted some course-mates to hang out with. My rather unusual convivial tendencies kicked in. They were probably either annoyed or surprised. I can't believe I was there with people I'm not really close to. It was fun nonetheless.

Readings are already piling up so I better start right away. Ciao!


andiepoo said...

You have an afternoon tutoring session? Is it you that tutors, or is there some kind of freakish institute that teaches Leadership and Strategy outside of our godforsaken school?

Eric said...

Kaingin mehn.