Tried calling everyone from my mock-flock - unsuccessfully. I only got to talk to 1 out of 5. I thought I was being silly rehearsing what I was supposed to tell them over the phone. Then I got a sudden rush of desperation. I dialed the the first set of numbers. The phone rang This is for real, I thought. Then my heart rate jumped to somewhere near 190 beat a minute. A "hello" burst out from the phone! Oh my God! It's actually from the phone. Good Lord, why am I such a social retard?
Then I said: "Hlow yis pis e-eric frown Celon, kinai shpeak to jaeydiii pleeeese?" The person seemed to understand despite the sub-humanness of my brief spiel. I thought maybe she had braces too. Then at last to JD (i.e. jaeydiii). Normal chitchat proceeded except for my unusual and frequent exclamations, which I still find weird. Okay, I put the phone down and dialed the next number, with my voice still shaking. Luckily- or otherwise- 2 didn't answer, 1 was not home, 1 was a wrong number. Hoo ha.
Loner Eric using the phone for casual chitchats is not normal in this part of the universe. I don't know who's on the other end of the phone line. I need some serious education on socialization. I never used the phone for to affect friendship back in high school? Hell, that's not even a question. I prolly hated most of them then anyway that's why. Haha!
I think I'm way past people-phobia. I'm very comfortable talking to strangers and even crowds these days. But talking to someone you don't know and don't see is totally something else for me. I was literally rehearsing my lines before I dialed the first number. Retard.
I have finally made my stand on current happenings in this country. Legislators should pursue the impeachment. We should know the truth and address the concerns of those who believe in our being a democracy. And maybe to insist the resignation of the president through bureaucratic means, not through mobs. All actions should be constitutional, otherwise we'll say hello to recurring mob/elite rule.
I'd stamp a big question mark to "The Filipino People". This has been used by various groups when talking about themselves and what they want to happen to this country. How dare you assign a government of your own choice?! Only after this conflict should we really have a new revolution, a change in the system of governance. Changing the president would only entail the same conflicts I think.
We are responsible for upholding correctness if we really want change. What "we" were you talking about when you said we have done this before and we can do this again? Give us a break.
Heyy!! :) Di ko mabasa ang teeny text. heheh :)
Hehe! ok lang ba layout? or super dami ng pics?
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