I still have some 3 more hours to burn until an org commitment. Yes, I'm capable of such things. Got nothing better to do so I decided to doodle something here hoping that some brilliance emerges.
Everybody prolly has a time-line. And in between specific significant events lies boredom. But when you get to wait things to happen, you tend to miss the important stuff; when you think you're bored you're missing the point. Thus, we should not say that we are bored, but that we're missing the point of experience. I hope this isn't coming from some abstracted belief but from experience.
Writing really alleviates that nausea, which is preoccupied with "I should get to the next point of the timeline", and that "this point of time is nonsense". Translation: boredom, angst, residue of modernity- I really like that terminology.
Something is always up, and we're missing most of it. We're missing the beauty of experience because we worry about next point in our time - not that it's bad but that it's what keeps you breathing.
The next point in my time-line is 430 pm.
We think our lives is that time line, that collection of hundreds and hundreds of specific events. This is why we get nauseated when we experience being in between points. There's no such thing as a life based on such collection. But it's an option if you want to point to something you call your life. I have had enough of embracing it. I need to reclaim grace, those blessed moments in between.
Yeah, I should prolly stop here. I feel like I'd be making things up if I continue.
Honestly, I should spend more time in thinking about what matters to us people, not some genuinely weird and outrageous problems that only concern me.
I found that I'm not the only one who feels strangely insulted when talking to the Rory (ie.e Evangelical Christian girl). Apparently, her flatmate seemed to be as irked as I am whenever she raves. I should not elaborate. She'd probably wrestle me to death if she finds out I'm actually writing about her issue. She's very much capable of wrestling any guy she chooses. Hehe! I mean she's great but she tends to listen too much to herself when you speak to her, never caring what the other has to say. She's a televangelist in the making. Let's barf later.
On other news, teacher's a charlatan. Drawing the conclusion that it's because of the inefficient CSIs that Filipinos don't get proper justice is just too lame, too vapidly anecdotal and barely factual. All his supposed intellectual references pertain to television shows - to come up with that conclusion. Any educated person would dismiss his theories immediately. Man, teach your techie stuff. And please, I don't believe the physics stuff about static electricity being more manifest at ground level. And he didn't even explain it. He said, "you guys should review your physics". I mean if you really know, why don't you explain?! What an asshole. You may perhaps be someone important in your field, but please don't talk about other stuff. You'd probably look stupid if you mention any of those notions to your colleagues anyway.
Another important thing. My Poli Sci class will end before October. Sacrilege! It ends just when I'm about to really get into involving myself with what's going on around. Give me the daily fast! Teacher's taking a month of break to prepare leaving the country come November to take her doctorate in the U.S. I really should start my independent education about how to help solve the excruciatingly vast problems of this portion of the third world.
I didn't attend my Theo and Supply Chain Management classes earlier today. I actually woke up at 6 am. But I figured to just read my Ethics stuff. I thought nothing serious would be up in those two subjects anyway. Right? Wrong!!! They had a bonus quiz in Theo and I guess a series of lectures in Supply Chain. Damn! Something bad always comes up when I decide to slack off a bit. Half the class was absent in Theo, which was why Ms. Rosana gave them a bonus quiz. And, the quiz was all about the lecture She gave last Tuesday! I know I could've gotten at least some 8 points if I attended the class. Damn it.
I'd be going to the Lib or Mateo to get some company, either,animate or inanimate. You, PC, is neither. I need some serious counseling. Oh and I finished reading a little more than half of the Half Blood Prince. A PDF copy of the book has been circulating around the web since Sunday! This is totally unfair. I mean I'm pro-piracy when it comes to movies, especially if it's a third world we're talking about. Those actors are earning more than they should anyway. But books are different. I'll think of further arguments. Wait and see. Hehe!
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