Tuesday, October 18, 2005

not exactly

The semester's not yet done yet. I have to defend a project tomorrow. Thanks to a series of unfortunate events that happened.

Yesterday could've been the real start of the break. It's not even about the excitement of vacation that make me so irritate. It's because I'm probably getting the lowest grades ever for this semester. The last month of this sem is the worst in my entire college life.

I'm probably out of vocabulary because of that 21-page paper I submitted yesterday. Preceding entries probably contain the same phrases. Even words get exhausted because of all these ordeals. Oh well, I don't have any word that refers to this kind of madness anyway.


It's been more than a week since my last entry. I'm just clearing my blog of cobwebs that's all. Aside from all these school-related tribulations, I had to deal with some personal stuff during the last two weeks.

I finally made it up with my sister the day before she flew for Canada. The university is in Ontario. University of Toronto. Where did I get Oregon anyway?! Is it even in Canada? The hell, anyway this isn't my point. Peace with ate at last. It was after the abominable Proj. Mgt. exam, which I think I'm flunking, that I got to talk to her. It was weird. She even told me I was being too emotional about her leaving. Duh, it will be for some 5 years. And that even depends on whether she would want to stay there for good or otherwise. The important thing is I managed to salvage my being a brother to her. And yep, I was quite maudlin about everything else that night. I can't believe I'm doodling this down.

The other thing was all the bustle about fixing this place. In a few week's time, living alone will be a reality. My reality. Just this morning - and late afternoon - I was moving the furniture around. And the necessary OCfication of my other stuff followed. You wouldn't believe the trash I've gathered from school. There were the papers I got to use this sem - especially the SCM slides - I really hate that subject err.. with passion. Anyway, I'm thinking about repainting the walls.

There's a lot of worries but I guess I can live alone. I just started organizing stuff so that'll continue for several days. I really want to change how things are placed in this house. I want to feel new before the second sem starts.

So, that's about it apropos the past few days. I plan to jog everyday after tomorrow - maybe swim - and just hang out with my high school gang. I'll probably help out fixing stuff in Nova. And oh, I'm having a list of what to read this sem break. Andz, don't worry Donnerjack's in the list. I can return it next sem. And movies, movies, and more movies! I'm now fantasizing about watching the Corpse Bride! Ka! Hurry your school stuff so we can catch it this weekend!

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